I love it.
Upon looking at the score and file size, I was skeptical as to why it was on the front page, but there had to be a good reason. I popped up the window and BOOM, the heavy metal introductory music for the menu was upscale and it seemed inappropriate for a duck simulator but since the menu was made in a way that this seemed like a fun game to play, high paced, and edgy, I let it pass.
I hover my mouse over the little play button, anticipating excitement and thrills, but I come across a seemingly 8-bit duck. I laughed at the silly music and the static image of this pixelized bird. I was a bit confused at the controls at first. I had to press a few buttons on my keyboard before realising all I had to do was left-click. I press my mouse and I see the duck bob it's head into the water and back as I released my finger. Once again I laugh out of sheer enjoyment that I too can lead the life of a duck.
It is good, but there are some things to improve on. Having a just static image isn't too good. Some animation could be added. For instance, the plant can move a bit, the duck can float up and down on the water, the water can ripple, the possibilities are endless. Also some instructions are nice.
All in all, I can't wait for a sequel, this game is priceless. Good work my man.