Haha, I think this is brilliant
It's simple, time-consuming and pointless, and I do say, I love it. I would have to guess some of these games involve patience, perseverance and dedication. Some people here just can't do that, can they? My wrist still hurts from clicking the button 10,000 times and my finger got tired after 10 minutes of pressing 'k'. I think this is one of the most original games I've ever played on NG so far. I'm sure to do these pointless, repetitive tasks over and over again. I would also call them "bad habits" haha.
Oh, and I think that some medals are broken, possibly. I didn't actually receive my medal after clicking that horrid button 10,000 times.
I also have a feeling I would get marked as 'pointless' by the people who didn't enjoy your game... just a thought.